Our Suite of HR Solutions
Organisations must be deliberate in their hiring practices and development of their employees, if they are to retain their competitive advantage. People are at the centre of what we do, because we believe that companies can only change through the strength, ability and attitude of its people.
Employee Assessment and Talent Development
Organisations must be deliberate in their hiring practices and development of their employees if they are to retain their competitive advantage. HR Professionals must start using the next generation of assessment and development tools, to get the best out of the hiring, onboarding and development of their talent.
Getting the right people begins with properly attracting, selecting, onboarding and developing your talent.
That is why we have partnered with Talexes, to bring you the next generation of talent assessment and development tools.
A 360 feedback system can and is needed for any size organization in which there are leaders and managers. It is just as applicable to the entrepreneur with 3 or 4 people working for them as companies with tens of thousands of people. Smaller companies may have an easier time of preparing for 360 feedback, but all companies need to focus on readiness for the process. Since the actual feedback process involves collecting perceptions about a leader’s behavior from that person’s boss, direct reports, and fellow team members, the effectiveness of the feedback is directly linked to the integrity of the process which is measured in terms of commitment, purpose, and follow-up.
The Talassure360 system has been used to accomplish business strategy and culture change by clarifying the behaviors needing concentrated efforts to achieve organizational goals. It has also been used to enhance team effectiveness in organizations seeking to implement and/or improve a team-based structure. Additionally, it has been used to help individuals determine personal development needs, thereby allowing the total organization to create a profile of learning and development.
The Talassure360 can be of use to any organization that truly believes performance can be improved by changing/developing/coaching differences in individual behavior where leadership and management performances are not occurring at desired levels.
- Comprehensive assessment for entry-level workforce
- Takes less than 20 minutes to administer
- Measures “Can Do,” “Will Do,” and honesty
- Includes exaggeration score that measures frankness
- Evaluates attitude toward workplace theft
- Immediate results rolled into 1 simple report
- Provides structured interview guide
- Includes work history
- Based on valid research and reliable scientific data
- Now there’s an effective solution for entry-level employment screening.
- Comprehensive assessment for upper-level workforce
- Takes less than 45 minutes to administer
- Includes distortion score that measures candor
- Immediate results that deliver 10 valuable reports
- Based on valid research and reliable scientific data
Use TalassureMX throughout the life cycle of your upper-level talent.
- Comprehensive assessment for mid-level workforce
- Takes less than 45 minutes to administer
- Industry job pattern database
- Includes distortion score that measures candor
- Immediate results that deliver 5 valuable reports
- Based on valid research and reliable scientific data
TalassureM enables you to accurately assess behavioral traits and reasoning skills to connect the right people with the right jobs.
Using Talassure’s assessment tools, backed by years of research, will help bring clarity to the hiring and employee development process. We help you hire right so that you can retain top performers for your company’s continued growth.
All our Talassure solutions are:
- Cost-effective
- Cloud-based, mobile, and texting technology
- Self-interpretive reporting